how to do Plastic free July
even for a day.
The Plastic Free July Challenge is a Global Movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can all have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
Plastic has become an integral part of many people’s daily lives, so living plastic-free is a big change. In order to make the change, you need to build a habit of living with less plastic.
If you want to live a plastic-free life but are unsure how to begin, starting small is always a good idea. While this month is a good excuse to go big or go home, try and just think of living as such for a 24-hour period and build on from there.
Identify which products you buy containing plastic.
Make a list of the products you purchase that contain plastic. This is the first step towards finding plastic-free alternatives, then choose the three easiest products for you to replace and make a plan to buy alternatives – remember, it’s about starting small.
Shop with reusable tote bags.
Paper or plastic? How about neither! Shop with a reusable tote bag for all your purchases instead.
Switch to reusable bottles and cups
Companies who produce the plastic water bottles we buy (which are wrapped together in plastic with plastic labels) don’t produce the water, just the bottles. So bring a refillable with you and stop buying a new bottle each time. The same goes for your coffee, just ask the barista, they’ll happily oblige.
Use reusable produce bags
Skip out on the tiny plastic bags for your fruits and vegetables by bringing produce bags with you!
Avoid Frozen Foods.
A tricky one but if you’re looking to avoid plastic when it comes to your cooking, swapping frozen food (almost all frozen food contains plastic) out for fresh vegetables – you can create your own meals and freeze them yourself – is going your bit for the environment AND sharpening your meal planning prep.
Visit your local Farmer’s market
Then, why not take a trip to the farmer’s market to see what kinds of products are being offered and their prices. Often, farmers’ markets prices are the same or better than the supermarkets, and the produce stays fresher for longer as it has usually only just been picked.
And don’t forget to bring your own container when buying deli meat and cheeses.
Carry reusable utensils and straws
in your bag or car if you’re planning to eat out. Perfect for take-out or on-the-go meals so you can refuse plastic utensils and straws forever
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